All content was researched, prepared, compiled, and/or drafted by
Any content that was not directly authored by is believed to be a "Fair Use" of materials that were either sent by others, found on the internet or in other public records.
Every effort has been made to ensure that living persons and personal information is not posted on this site. If a living person is listed on this site please notify so their name can be removed.
While makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information assumes no responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the information.
The information provided is only as accurate as the source of that information. Often resources may be subject to occasional inaccuracies in memory or in recording family information.
Photographs on this website were sourced and downloaded from :- - John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland Collection reference: API-61 Alder Family Photographs <>
- Pictures of Australian States and Territories from 1890, 2019 Digital Atlas Pty Limited, <>
- Queensland University of Technology Digital Collections, QUT Alumni Donations, Robert Augustus Henry L'Estrange Collection <>
© 2019 Suzanne Nagel MAAGRA, Member Australasian Association of Genealogists and Record Agents Inc <>
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